Comptroller General of Colombia:

According to article 267 of the Colombian Constitution 267, fiscal control is a public function to be carried out by the Comptroller General of Colombia, therefore, he is responsible for monitoring the fiscal management of the administration and individuals or entities that manage national funds or assets. Based on the above, the Amazonian Scientific Research Institute SINCHI is subject to fiscal control, under Law 42 of 1993 [1], which comprises the set of precepts that regulate the principles, systems and procedures of financial fiscal control exercised by The Comptroller General of Colombia. 

[1] On the organization of the financial fiscal control system and the organizations that perform them.

Statuatory Audit:

As determined by the Statutes of the Amazonian Scientific Research Institute SINCHI, the Statutory Auditor is the person (natural or legal) elected by the General Assembly for periods of one (1) year, who is entrusted with the task of monitoring the economic and financial activities of the Institute, ensuring that they comply strictly with the provisions of the legal norms, as well as the recommendations of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.