Sinchi is a word in Quechua that means "knowledgeable plant connoisseur"

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The SINCHI Institute was established through Law 99 of 1993 and regulated by Decree No. 1603 of 1994.


The pirarurucu (Arapaima gigas) is the biggest scale fish in the region, while "el lechero" (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum) is the biggest skin fish (catfish) in the Amazon. Both can weigh over 150 kg and have lengths greater than 180cm.

The main rivers originating in the Andeas that cross the Colombian Amazon are the Caqueta, the Putumayo and the Amazon. The Guaviare river, also of andean origin, crosses it in the northeastern region but its waters make part of the Orinoco basin system. 

The main rivers of Amazon origin are the Guainia, Vaupes, Apaporis, Mecaya, Sencella, Cahuinari, Miriti Parana, Cara - Parana e Igara Parana.

The rivers of Amazon origin, are born within the Amazon plain. Their color is dark and because of this they are classified as blackwater rivers; they have a lesser concentration of nutrients.

The rivers of Andean origin, as their name indicates, are born in the Andean mountain range. In the classification of waters they are called whitewater rivers and they are recognized for having a greater concentration of nutrients.

In the Amazon there are 86.417* indigenous inhabitants from the Ticuna, Yagua, Huitoto, Nukak Maku, Puinave, Yucuna, Mirana, matapi, Cubeo, Cocama, Letuama, Nonuya, Muinane, Andoque, Barasano, Ocaina, Bora, Murui, Carijona, Coreguaje, Inga, Paez, Embera katio, Curripaco, Tucano, Piapoco, Piratapuyo, Baniva, Siriano, Desano, Carapana, Geral, Siona, Guayabera, Camentsa, Awa, Kamsa and Tiatuyo ethnic groups. Source: *SINCHI, 2007 (based on the 2005 census; DANE).

In the Colombian Amazon region we find the National Natural Parks: Alto Fragua Indi Wasi, Amacayacu, Cahuinari, Doña Juana Volcanic Complex, Cordillera los Picachos, Cueva de los Guacharos, Isla de la Corota, La Paya, Nukak, Medicinal Plants Sanctuary Orito Ingi Ande, Puinawai, Rio Pure, Chiribiquete, Serranía de los Churumbelos, Serranía de la Macarena, Tinigua, Yaigoje Aporis.

Morphologically the Amazonian plain is an immense sedimentary region. The oldest sediments, deposited during the Tertiary, in a sea or brackish lake, suffered subsequent erosive processes, so that the relief is of rolling hills. Interspersed in this landscape are higher elevations, still more ancient surfaces, redoubts of pre-Cambrian mountain formations, which form plateaus and rocky hills as part of the Shield of the Guianas. Also outstanding in the relief is the Andean foothill region, formed by terraces, hills and slightly undulating terrain that are aligned in a belt at the foot of the Eastern Cordillera. The materials that constitute its make-up come mostly from erosion and  runoff of the mountain range, therefore, the best soils can be found there.

The most recent surfaces are made up by fluvial sediments, which form authentic plains along the mightiest rivers. Three levels can be distiguished: ancient Pliocene-Pleistocene terraces which today lie above the current levels of the rivers, and the flood plains with two levels, the highest which floods every 5 or 10 years when the rising waters ("conejeras") come, and the lowest which floods in a short period of time every year, and periodically receives rejuvinating sediments, optimal for agruculture.  

Taken from: Herrera, Leonor. "Amazonia Colombiana" / Digital Print in the Luis Ángel Arango  Library from Banco de la República. /Search performed on March 29, 2011

For a long time it has been maintained that in the Amazon, as in no other region on Earth there are so many species of plants and animals that it has been considered one of the greatest biodiversity reserves on the planet. The origin and reasons for this phenomenon where previously associated with climate change. However, from a study carried out by Spanish scientists from CSIC and recently published by Science magazine, it has been found that such extraordinary biological diversity is due to the geological movements of the tectonic plates of the Pacific that gave origin to the Andes mountain chain. 

Taken from: C. Hoorn, F. P. Wesselingh, H. ter Steege, M. A. Bermudez, A. Mora, J. Sevink, I. Sanmartín, A. Sanchez?Meseguer, C. L. Anderson, J. P. Figueiredo, C. Jaramillo, D. Riff, F. R. Negri, H. Hooghiemstra, J. Lundberg, T. Stadler, T. Särkinen, A. Antonelli. Amazonia Through Time: Andean Uplift, Climate Change, Landscape Evolution, and Biodiversity. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.1194585

The SINCHI Institute was created through Law 99 of 1993 y regulated by Decree No. 1603 of 1994.